VK2ABQ Squares and Moxon Rectangles (7-25-99)
The Moxon Rectangle: A Review (12-18-99)
An Aluminum Moxon Rectangle for 10-Meters (4-6-98)
Wire Moxon Rectangles for 40-10 Meters (1-1-97, 6-10-99)
Further Notes on 40-Meter Wire Moxon Rectangles (5-4-99)
Notes on the Moxon Rectangle Pattern (2-22-2000)
The Double-D Antenna (3-18-97, 5-4-99)
Multi-Banding the Moxon Rectangle (8-12-99)
The Moxon Rectangle on 2 Meters (10-01-99)
Building a 2-Meter Moxon (12-18-99)
Updated 2-22-2000. © L. B. Cebik, W4RNL. Data may be used for personal purposes, but may not be reproduced for publication in print or any other medium without permission of the author.