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Table of Contents Antentop 01- 2015 (019)





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Table of Contents Antentop 01- 2015 (019)

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ANTENTOP- 01- 2015, # 019

Table of Contents




Table of Contents

  Cover +Contents
1- 4




Antenna Theory







Linear Array Theory- Part III : by: Prof. Natalia K. Nikolova

Dear friends, I would like to give to you an interesting and reliable antenna theory. Hours searching in the web gave me lots theoretical information about antennas. Really, at first I did not know what information chose for ANTENTOP.

Now I want to present to you one more very interesting Lecture - it is LECTURE 17: Linear Array Theory- Part III : N-element linear array with uniform spacing and non-uniform amplitude: binomial array; Dolph-Tschebyscheff array; directivity and design considerations……






5- 26



HF- Antenna Practice







Two Slopers for All Traditional Five HF-Bands: By Vladimir Fursenko, UA6CA


 It is possible at one mast install two slopers that cover all traditional five HF-Bands- 80,- 40,- 40,- 15 and 10- meter.......











Antenna for 80-, 40-, 20-, 17-, 15-, 12-, and 10- meter HF Band: By Vladimir Fursenko, UA6CA


The two- level antenna works at 80-, 40-, 20-, 17-, 15-, 12- and 10- meter Bands. Upper level works on 80-, 40-, 20-, 15- and 10- meter Bands. Lower level works on 17- and 12- meter Bands. ...





28- 29




Bidirectional Vertical Antenna for the 20- meter Band: By: Nikolay Kudryavchenko, UR0GT


One Ground Plane allows get one directional switchable DD. For this purpose to the GP a two wires should be added. With help an RF Relay (or just with help of manually installed jumper) the wires turn on to Director and Reflector.....



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L-Vertical Antenna for Nearest Objects for The 40- and 20- meter Bands: By: Nikolay Kudryavchenko, UR0GT

One L-Vertical Antenna may works at the two amateur Bands- 40- and 20- meters. The main feature of the antenna is that it may be located at nearest conductive objects- for example the antenna may be placed near water drain. Antenna may be placed at a wall of a house. Inside a house there are always a lot of conductive objects- for example electrical main, refrigerator, metal tubes of house ventilation system and so on.......



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Table of Contents









Universal Beverage Antenna: by: Igor Grigorov, va3znw, Richmond Hill, Canada


Beverage Antennas are widely used at commercial and military radio communication. In commercial communication Beverage Antenna as usual is used as a receiving antenna. However, in military communication Beverage Antenna is used for both purposes- for receiving and transmitting applications. Transmitting/receiving Beverage Antenna was used in DX- Pedition EK1NWB on to Kizhy island where the antenna (against skepticism of some persons) illuminated its good job. So when again in Toronto I have changed my QTH and the QTH allowed me install Beverage Antenna, I did not hesitated...




35- 41





Windom Compendium from RZ9CJ: By: Sergey Popov, RZ9CJ, Ekaterinburg, Russia

Just description of five Windom Antenas....










Windom UR0GT: by: By: Nikolay Kudryavchenko, UR0GT

Windom is one of the oldest and reliable antennas that used in ham radio. There are lots modifications of Windom Antenna (or in other words Off Center Dipole Antenna). One of such modification was optimized by UR0GT. The antenna was optimized for 40, 20 and 10- meter bands. ..









Two Vertical Antennas for 20-, 15- and 10- meter Bands: By: Nikolay Kudryavchenko, UR0GT



Below described two vertical antennas that work without any ATU at the 20-, 15 and 10- meter Bands. The antennas easy to made and easy to tune to the bands.....




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R3PIN Experimenters with UA6AGW Antenna By: Aleksandr Grachev, UA6AGW, Credit Line: CQ-QRP # 48 (Autumn 2014), pp.: 19- 22.

There are below described experimenters with UA6AGW Antenna made by Sergey Tetuyhin, R3PIN. Sergey would like create an UA6AGW Antenna for 2- meter Band. He did not have schematic of the antenna for 2- meter Band. He made two antennas that he believed would work at the 2- meter Band. However his attempt was not successful. But Sergey during the experimenters found some unusual sides at UA6AGW Antenna. .......




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Table of Contents








Dipole Antenna for 40- and 20- meter Bands: By: Vasily Perov, DL1BA (ex UK8BA)Credit Line: Forum from:


Because I have no lots space at my backyard for antenna installation I like do experiments with shortened antennas. Below described one of my experimental shortened dipole antenna for 40- and 20- meter Bands. It takes for me only 1 and half hour for installation and tuning of the antenna. After that the dipole antenna was tested at CQ WW Contest (2015). I made 300 QSOs using 100- Wtts going into the antenna....




53- 55







Modified Dipole Antenna DL1BA for 40- and 20- meter Bands: By: Igor Vakhreev, RW4HFN

In my opinion the explanation how the DL1BA Antenna (Antentop 01- 2015, pp: 53-55, Dipole Antenna for 40- and 20- meter Bands) is working at the 20- meter Band is very simple. Parts of the antenna- there are long wire (5.6-meter length) before inductor, inductor and short wire (1.5- meter length) after inductor - make 1.5- lambda dipole at the 20- meter Band....…





56- 57







Modified DL1BA Dipole Antenna for 40- and 20- meter Bands with additional 10- or 15- meter Band: By: Igor Vakhreev, RW4HFN


DL1BA Antenna (Antentop 01- 2015, pp: 53-55, Dipole Antenna for 40- and 20- meter Bands) may be modified for working at additional 10- or 15-meter Band......









Modified DL1BA Dipole Antenna for 40-, 20-, 15-, and 10- meter Bands: By: Igor Vakhreev, RW4HFN

DL1BA Antenna (Antentop 01- 2015, pp: 53-55, Dipole Antenna for 40- and 20- meter Bands) may be modified for working at additional 10- and 15-meter Bands.....












Antenna for 80-, 40-, and 15- meter Bands: By: Vladas Zhalnerauskas, UP2NV

W3DZZ Antenna is widely used among radio amateurs. The antenna shows the efficiency at several bands (as usual from 3 to 5) at minimal stuff to do it. The described below antenna is a modification of the W3DZZ Antenna. The antenna could work at 80- 40- and 15- meter Bands. ....






Table of Contents











Antennas for 50- and 70- MHz











Antenna for 50 and 70- MHz Band: By: Alex Karakaptan, ES4UY, UY5ON

The antenna was designed several years ago, when I got Estonian call sign ES4UY. With the call I able use 50 and 70- MHz bands from Estonia. Need to say that I was in a very rare square- K049CJ. So I need an antenna for those bands. Restricted place could not allow me to create something serious. ....















Symmetrical ATU: By: Vasily Perov, DL1BA (ex UK8BA)


Prototype of the tuner was made by VK5RG. The tuner was found by me at "Das DARC Antennenbuch". However at the book there was given only brief description of the unit. The tuner takes my attention and by trial-and-error method I found the design (data for Inductors and Capacitors) of the tuner. ....



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Three Element Yagi Antenna for 145- MHz with Square Reflector: By: Yuriy Skutelis, RN3DEK


The antenna provides good F/B ratio. Antenna has input impedance 50- Ohm that allows fed the antenna directly through 50- Ohm coaxial cable. It was reached by special form of the reflector. ...



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Three Element Yagi Antenna for 145- MHz with Rectangle Reflector: By: Yuriy Skutelis, RN3DEK


he antenna has F/B ratio at least 29 dB. It was reached by special form of the reflector. ... ........




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Four Element Antenna for Stack Design for 145- MHz Band By: Nikolay Kudryavchenko, UR0GT


The four element YAGI is designed for installing in Four Element Stack Antenna System. The antennas not critical to nearest objects. Four such antennas are installed at corners of a quad….




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Table of Contents











Vertical Antenna 5/8 Lambda for 70- cm Band: By: Antonhax: Credit Line: Forum from:


At first the antenna was modeled by copper wire. Then the antenna was made on the base of bicycle wheel spokes. ....


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Broadband Vertical for 430- MHz Band: By: Nikolay Kudryavchenko, UR0GT


Broadband Vertical Collinear Vertical antenna designed for 430- MHz Band. The antenna has Diagram Directivity with low-altitude maxima to the ground. Antenna has passband near 70- MHz at SWR 1.5:1.0. ....





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TV Antennas for Distance Receiving By: Leonid Pozdnyakov Credit Line: Radio # 10, 1953, pp.: 53- 54.


At the original articles published at Radio # 10, 1953, there were described several antennas for distance receiving TV broadcasting stations. Below it is described one of those antennas- it is a Rhombic Antenna. Rhombic Antenna is easy to make and at the same time has perfect parameters...  





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UB5UG Horizontal Receiving Antenna: By: Yuri Medinets, UB5UG


At modern city to use a separate receiving antenna may be only one variant to be on the Air. Interferences from nearest electronics devices could force it. Below here it is described receiving antenna from far 70-s that may solve the hard modern situation.....




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Insulation RX Transformer: By: Igor Grigorov, va3znw


At my shack I have used a Coaxial Antenna Switch Protax CSR- 5G to change devices switched to my antenna. The switch is very convenient for amateur operation in the Air. I can easy switch antenna from one transceiver (ICOM- 718) to another one (K1) or turn antenna to general coverage receiver (Hallicrafters S-85). I use the receiver to check propagation in the Air and just to catch some interesting HF- stations....



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Table of Contents














Simple Tube DC SSB Receiver: By R3KCR, Voronezh, Russia


It is simple experimental receiver that was made on two tubes- twin triodes. The receiver was tuned to 80- meter amateur band. ....



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HF Receiver for Beginner Ham: By: Viktor Lomanovich, UA3DH


The HF Tube Regenerative Receiver is a classical design of the Tube Era. Somebody gave me magazine with the article at the 70s. I did the receiver and got very good result. I have received lots of amateur stations with the receiver. Then the receiver was remade by me in general coverage HF- Receiver. I could receive with great quality forbidden BBC, Voice of America lots broadcasting stations and easy found at those times “Numbers Stations.” …



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Direct Conversation Technique for Radio Amateurs. Vladimir Polyakov, RA3AAE, Ph. D in Technical Science


Light description of the book and link to download....








Underground and Ground Antennas: Georgiy A. Lavrov, Aleksey S. Knyazev

Publishing House: Sovetskoe Radio, Moscow, 1965


Light description of the book and link to download....







Jones Antenna Handbook


Light description of the book and link to download....







Field Antenna Handbook


Light description of the book and link to download....







Construction of a Rhombic Receiving Antenna


Light description of the book and link to download....







Antennas and Antenna Systems


Light description of the book and link to download....







Antennas and Radio Propagation


Light description of the book and link to download....










Design Handbook for High Frequency Radio Communications Systems


Light description of the book and link to download....




RF Transformers







Broadband Transformer 50/200 Ohm: By: Sergey Popov, RZ9CJ, Ekaterinburg, Russia


Below I describe a simple way to make broadband transformer 50/200 Ohm with isolated windings. (Theoretically the transformer is for 50/140- Ohm. However it works fine for most common using 50/200 Ohm.)........





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Two Broadband Symmetrical Transformers for HF and VHF Bands: By: Alex Karakaptan, UY5ON, ES4UY, Kharkov, Ukraine


For operation in the Air at all HF- Bands I use to antenna Delta. The antenna is fed by 300- Ohm Ladder Line. To match the antenna with my transceiver I use to ATU MFJ-962D. The ATU has symmetrical transformer at output. The transformer could provide good symmetrical operation … but with antennas that has low reactance. My Delta has significant reactance through amateur's bands. So the concept is not for me....













Experimenters with Microwave Oven: by Igor Grigorov, va3znw

Almost everyone has at home a Microwave Oven. It is possible make some experimenters with it. Most interesting and visual experiment is Experiment with Bulbs. We may find how microwaves effect to incandescent (filament) and CFL bulbs......


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Last Updated:

February 4, 2018 18:20


