Width of the DD in horizontal plane (at level 3- dB)
is near 60 degree. Level F/B is not less 20- dB. Level F/S is near 15 dB. At day time the antenna suppresses local stations (in
radius 300- 350- km) on to 20- 30- dB.
So the main lobe in vertical plane should have angle in 35- 40
Antenna gain was estimated according to diagram and
formulas from page 61 at Reference 5. Antenna gain for the antenna should be near 10- dB. Figure 4 shows the diagram.
UA6AGW V. 7.00
differs little from the prototype but turns to directional antenna.
Having small dimension the antenna compare to them
has good F/B ratio in 20-dB.
F/B and F/S ratio for the antenna is constant at
working range.
There is a real possibility to design small directional
antenna for the 80- meter Band.
Antenna keeps all merits of the prototype.
Antenna is simple to design and easy to tune
Figure 3 DD of the Antenna UA6AGW V. 7.00 in Horizontal Plane
1. Antenna UA6AGW V.40, Aleksandr
Grachev, Radio # 2, 2011, pp.: 59- 61
2. Antenna UA6AGW V. 80, Aleksandr
Grachev, Radio 8,
2011, pp.: 60- 61.
3. Experimenters with Magnetic Loop Antennas, Aleksandr Grachev, CQ-QRP # 27,
2009, pp.: 9- 11.
4. http://www.antentop.org/017/ua6agw_md_017.htm
5. Antennas,
Karl Rothammel, Nash Gorod,
Figure 4 Diagram to Estimate Antenna Gain for the Antenna UA6AGW V. 7.00