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Directional Antenna UA6AGW V. 7.00

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ANTENTOP- 01- 2014 # 018

Directional Antenna UA6AGW V. 7.00




Picture 2 Mounting of the Plastic Tube and Wire Montage of the Horizontal Wires


Picture 3 Jointing Mast's Tubes




Then the cable is turned to loop. Far end of the length is soldered to the first (left) side of the prepared cable. (In Russia the method of the making the coupling loop sometimes is named -method of the DF9IV-)


The coupling loop is fastened to the upper part of the antenna's loop with help of a Scotch and ties. Below there are several simple rules how to install the coupling loop.



Figure 2 Preparation of the Coupling Loop for the Directional Antenna UA6AGW V. 7.00


At first, find on the antenna loop a point that is equidistance from left and right side of the C2. It is the point of symmetry of the antenna.

 At second, find the point of symmetry of the coupling loop. The coupling loop is mounted in the top of the antenna loop. Point of symmetry of the coupling loop should concur with the point of symmetry of the antenna. Picture 4 shows the coupling loop on the antenna.

 At third, to fasten with help of the cable ties the coupling loop to the antenna loop at the distance of 6-8- cm from the point of symmetry of the antenna loop.

Antenna was tuned (when it was placed on mast) in height 5- meters (it is from the ground to the top of the mast). Horizontal wires and matching box with capacitors was at 3.5- meters above the ground. A 2- meter ladder was used by me for tuning the antenna. Antenna works fine ever at the small height. F/B ratio was near 20-dB in this case. Antenna was tuned to 7080- kHz in mind that the resonance frequency move up (to 7100- kHz) at the height 8- meter. Antenna is simple to tune to the resonance. It may be tuned with help C2 (56- pF at Figure 1) to maximum RF- voltage at the long horizontal wire or with help receiver to maximum receiving signal.

Page- 37


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Last Updated:

January 5, 2020 22:41


