ANTENTOP- 01- 2014, # 018
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
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Linear Array Theory- Part II : by: Prof.
Natalia K. Nikolov
Dear friends, I would like to
give to you an interesting and reliable antenna theory. Hours
searching in the web gave me lots theoretical information about
antennas. Really, at first I did not know what information chose
Now I want to present to you one
more very interesting Lecture - it is LECTURE 16: Linear Array
Theory- Part II
end-fire array, directivity of a linear array, linear array pattern
characteristics- recapitulation; 3-D characteristics of an N-element
linear array...
5- 19
HF- Antenna Practice
44 Feet Dipole. Where is the
Truth?: by: Arnie Coro, CO2KK, CUBA
After more than half a century
working with professional and amateur radio antenna systems... All
I can say this is a never ending subject!! The 44 feet long dipole,
22 feet on each leg came out of the work of the prematurely deceased
Len Cebik W4RNL...
20- 24
Lawn Antenna:
by: James R Kellner, K2MIJ
Ok Gang in case you
don't remember me....I am the guy who ran a couple of "Forks"
as a dipole awhile back and actually worked W1AW/5 Oklahoma running
5 watts SSB from my trusty Yaesu FT-817....Well
I have a new one for you and help will be appreciated to reach
my goal!... .
25- 26
Buried Antennas for
Emergency Communications: by: John J. Schultz W1DCG/W2EEY: Credit
Line: 73 MAGAZINE, April 1967, pp.: 34- 35
In this article, W1DCG describes
some of the properties of buried antennas, particularly in relation
to their usefulness for amateur Civil Defense or emergency communications
27- 29
Simple Broadband
Antenna for the 40- meter Band: by: Igor Grigorov, va3znw
The Simple Broadband Antenna was
designed on base of my local environment and taking into account
the ease/cheap to do...
30- 34
Directional Antenna UA6AGW
V. 7.00: by: Aleksandr Grachev, UA6AGW
The antenna was born after numerous experiments that
were made in past three years. Russian Patent # 125777 was obtained
for the antenna...
35- 39
UA6AGW in Experimenters by RU1OZ : by: Nikolay Chabanov,
In my native city Archangelsk my house is located very
close to the Power Transmission Line. High noise from the line forced
me to use Magnetic Loop Antennas. The antennas could work very effective
and may eliminate the electrical noise. I can make QSOs with EU
and JA (at 10- 18- MHz) using only 4-watts with the Magnetic Loop
Antenna. But... Magnetic Loop Antenna has some disadvantages for
40- 41
Antenna UA6AGW V.40.20:
by: Aleksandr Grachev,
The experimental antenna made on the base of previously
described versions of the Antenna UA6AGW for 40- meter Band. Aim
of the experiment was to reduce the room that the horizontal wire
takes ...
Field Antenna UA6AGW V.40.21
: by: Aleksandr Grachev,
The antenna was designed for installation
in a field conditions or limited space. Antenna may be installed
at a low- height mast. Antenna does not required guys and takes
small room for installation...
43- 46
Antenna G5RV for 14- 50- MHz Bands: by: Alex Karakaptan,
UY5ON, Kharkov Ukraine
Shortened antenna G5RV is a variant classical G5RV with shortened radiation
parts and shortened matching two-wire line. Amateur's Bands within
14- 50- MHz spread are mostly welcome for DX operation. So in
most cases the antenna could provide good operation with DX- stations.
Antenna takes small room...
Dipole Balcony Antenna for the 20- meter Band: by: Viktor Kovalensky,
Some years ago, just for fun,
I made the Shortened Dipole Antenna for the 20- meter Band at
my balcony. The antenna still exists and I use to it for my operation
in the Air...
48- 50
Simple Window Loop
Antenna: by: Aleksandr Sterlikov, RA9SUS
The antenna was installed across wooden window frame. Perimeter of the
loop in my case was 4.7- meter. Antenna could be tuned from 14
to 30- MHz. I fed the antenna 50- Ohm coaxial cable. However, also
I used to 75- Ohm coaxial cable with success......
Simple Folded Dipole Antenna
for the 20- meter Band: by: Vladimir E. Tokarev,
The antenna
was designed for limited space. It may be installed on balcony,
on fence or at backyard and masked on to rope for drying clothes.
Antenna has input impedance cloth to 50- Ohm...
52- 53
Wire Antenna for All HF- Bands : by: Vladimir Fursenko,
The simple wire
antenna works well from 160- to 10 meter. The antenna may be tuned
(to needed amateur band) at a shack. Antenna contains only one
tuning parts- it is a variable capacitor 10- 200- pF.
An inductor (near 3- 5- micro- Henry) is switched in serial with
the antenna at the 40- meter Band...
Twin Triangle Antenna
for the 10- meter Band: by: Yuriy Kondrat'ev, UA1ZAS
The antenna is
used at the 10- meter Band. Antenna made from two wires triangles.
The triangles are fastened to my Ground Plane antenna for the 20-
meter band. The triangles do not influenced to the ground plane
Compact Twin Delta
Antenna for the 80- and 40- meter Bands: by: John J. Schultz,
The antenna has wide broadband
at the 80- and 40- meter Bands. So the antenna does not require
any tuning. Antenna is simple in design and takes lots room for
installation. Antenna radiates a vertical polarisation wave with
almost circle DD in horizontal plane. Antenna is not critical
to the sizes. It could be got good result at perimeter of each
triangle lambda/4 at lower band at the antenna....
Delta Antenna for 80-. 40-,
20- and 15- meter Bands: By: Nikolay Kudryavchenko, UR0GT
The Delta Antenna
has perimeter 86- meter. Antenna has resonances at four amateur
bands. There are 80, 40, 20 and 15 meter. However, input impedance
at the bands not allows use a 50- Ohm coaxial cable to feed the
antenna with low SWR at all the bands. Best solution is to use a
100- Ohm coaxial cable....
56- 58
UA6CA for 80-, 40-, 20- and 10- meter Bands: by: Vladimir Fursenko,
Antenna was installed at
the edge of the roof of the 5- store house. Transmitter was placed
at the first floor. For improving of the efficiency of the antenna
a grounding "mirror" wire was dug in the ground. Mirror
wire was in plastic insulation. Ends of the mirror wire and connection
to the wire were insulated from the ground. ...
Plane HF Antennas
Some pictures of
real HF-Antennas installed at Air Planes and Helicopters...
VHF- UHF Antennas
Antenna for 435- MHz : by: Nikolay Kudryavchenko, UR0GT
The Car Antenna for the 435- MHz has very good parameters- circle DD
in Horizon Plane and small angle lobe at Vertical Plane. Antenna
has input impedance 50- Ohm. Antenna has wide pass band.....
61- 63
Antenna for 2-meter
Band, LPD (433), 70- cm Band and for RMR (446): by: Igor Vakhreev,
It is very simple antenna that allows works at several frequencies bands
with low SWR. The antenna is enough broadband that does not required
hold strictly sizes at the design. ...
Twin Delta Antenna
for the 2- meter Band: by: Nikolay Kudryavchenko, UR0GT
The simple Twin Delta Antenna works fine at the 2- meter Band. The antenna
is enough broadband that does not required hold strictly sizes
at the design. Antenna could be made from wide range diameters
of wire - 2- 10- mm would be good. Antenna does not require any
symmetrical devices....
Conversion Auto CB-Antenna
HUSTLER-1C-100 to Antenna for the 2- meter Band : by: Igor Mishin,
It is very easy convert Auto CB-Antenna HUSTLER - 1C-100 (on magnet base)
to antenna working at 2- meter Band. Figure 1 shows the conversation.....
UB5UG Snake Antenna : by: Yuri
Medinets, UB5UG
Note from I.G.: The Snake Antenna was very popular in the ex-USSR. The
antenna came to ham from a page of paper with hand writer schematic.
The schematic was introduced by Yuri, UB5UG. At first, the antenna
was widely used at Ukraine then it came to other republics of
the ex-USSR. It was a very simple antenna that very easy could
be made from a coaxial cable. The antenna could be very easy redesign
for other (as well for TV) bands. ....
Horizontal Antenna with Vertical
Polarization for the 2- meter Band : by: Vasiliy Oleynik, RW4HX
At my vacation I guested my friends at their
cottage near 40-km from the city. On the second day I decided
to try my FT51. Oops, nobody can copy me when I transmitted on
to the transceiver's rubber duck. So I need an antenna that could
take the 40 km. ....
71- 73
TV Antennas
Broadband TV Antenna: By:
Nikolay Kudryavchenko, UR0GT
The simple
broadband TV antenna works at the 580- 760- MHz.
Passband of the antenna is 180- MHz.
Antenna has input impedance 300- Ohm at the pass band. Antenna
may be used with antenna amplifier that has such input impedance.
Antenna may be used with coaxial cable with broadband transformer.
74- 75
Chireix- Mesny
TV Antenna: By: Nikolay Kudryavchenko, UR0GT
The simple broadband
TV antenna works at the 615- 765- MHz.
Antenna has input impedance 300- Ohm at the pass band. Antenna
may be used with antenna amplifier that has such input impedance.
76- 77
Useful Pieces
Tube Socket from Surplus
VHF Resonator: by: Robert Akopov, UN7RX
Simple Home Brew Power
Tube Socket from Surplus VHF Resonators....
Tube Transceiver
Transceiver for 160- meter Band: by: Georgiy Gorelashvili , 4L1G
There is experimental AM transceiver
that may be used at local communication. Practically any pentode
would work at the circuit. Frequency of the transmitter is not
stable because antenna is switched on directly to the oscillator's
inductor. Regime of the regenerative receiver could not be optimal
because of high coupling of the antenna with receiver's inductor.
However, at small antenna length - in 2- 5 meter and small distances
the transceiver is quite well for experimental work...
Tube Transmitters
AM Tube Transmitter for 160-meter: by: Georgiy Gorelashvili ,
The schematic (in
different variations) was very popular in ex-USSR. There is possible
use any powerful pentode with tap from the third grid (for modulation).
Of course, frequency of the transmitter is not stable but it is
quite possible use for experimental purposes....
CW Tube Transmitter
for 40 and 80- meter Band: by: Georgiy Gorelashvili, 4L1G
The schematic (in different
variations) was very popular in ex-USSR. There is possible use
any powerful tetrode for the rig. (Note from I.G.: I also used
such rig in 70s- 80s years. The rig works fine. I used pentode
6P15P, 6P14P, 6P3S at the transmitter.)....
AM Tube Transmitter for 1.5- 3.5- MHz: by: Georgiy Gorelashvili
, 4L1G
The schematic (in different
variations) was very popular in ex-USSR. There is possible use
any powerful pentode with tap from the third grid (for modulation).
Of course, frequency of the transmitter is not stable but it is
quite possible use for experimental purposes........
Regenerative Receivers
Simple MW- HF-
Regenerative Receiver: by: Seiji: Credit Line: Forum at
Simple MW- HF Regenerative
receiver has two independently stages- one for MW-Band another
one for HF-Band....
Simple Regenerator
Receiver with Loop Antenna: by: Aleksandr
Bulanenko, UA6AAK
It is next generation of simple battery powered
regenerative receiver. The receiver used to the input inductor
as antenna. It was made two inductors, one for 3.3- 14.6- MHz
another one for 4.0- 19.0- MHz...
Antenna Tuning Units
Simple HF ATU on Lengths
of Coaxial Cable: by: Igor Grigorov, va3znw
The ATU was made by me in far 80s. It was may be
a simplest ATU what I made ever. It contains only one rotary switch
and rolls of a coaxial cable. But the ATU works very well. The ATU
has only one lack- sizes. Sizes of the ATU are not small. Below
there are several words to the theoretical base of the ATU...
85- 88
Antenna Tuner MFJ-962D for Operation with Symmetrical Ladder Line:
By: Viktor Drobot, RK3DL
For operation in the
Air at all HF- Bands I use to antenna Delta. The antenna is fed
by 300- Ohm Ladder Line. To match the antenna with my transceiver
I use to ATU MFJ-962D. The ATU has symmetrical transformer at
output. The transformer could provide good symmetrical operation...
but with antennas that has low reactance. My Delta has significant
reactance through amateur's bands. So the concept is not for me....
Antenna Tunerby:
by: Boris Popov,
This article is described a small (almost
pocket) Antenna Tuner that can work with 100- Watt transceiver....
90- 92
Reference to Grounding, Bounding and Shielding. The two books
are covered lots practical questions. It is really good books
that you can find in the Internet.....
Effect: by: Igor Grigorov, va3znw
Every day when I drive my car to and from my job I drive
under bridges and arches.
Inside my car I usually listen to radio. My favorite radio
is 680 News Radio. The radio station works on 680- kHz. This radio
transmits useful news for me. It's the weather, what is and what
will be news in Toronto and the World, as well as local traffic,
which road is open, what the road is closed due to an accident construction.
Knowledge of the traffic saves me a lot of time. I noticed that
volume of the 680-News usually is changed when I drove under a bridge
or under an arch.....
94- 96
Noise and Hum
Nature of Hum :
by: Michael J Hebert, NH7SR
Nature of Hum that harm
to DC or regenerative receiver. What is the question that is stay
before a ham who try such type of receivers.... |
Antenna for Mobile Communications:
by: A.G. Kandoian
Description of Patent
of a Patent for Antenna for Mobile Communications.
98- 100