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Antennas UA6AGW. Modification and Development

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ANTENTOP- 01- 2013 # 017

Antennas UA6AGW. Modification and Development



The capacitor C2 is switched on into the antenna with help of a two- wire line. It is possible use to almost any design of the two wire line. Antenna mast at my antenna installation has length near 11- meter. The two wire line going from the bottom of the loop is near 8- meter long.


Coupling loop for the antennas


Design and sizes of the coupling loop that used for the antennas is the same as for antennas described in the Reference 1. Below there are several simple rules how to install the coupling loop.


At first, find on the antenna loop a point that is equidistance from left and right side of the C2. It is the point of symmetry of the antenna.


At second, find the point of symmetry of the coupling loop. The coupling loop is mounted in the top of the antenna loop. Point of symmetry of the coupling loop should concur with the point of symmetry of the antenna. Figure 6 shows the coupling loop on the antenna.


At third, to fasten with help of the cable ties the coupling loop to the antenna loop at the distance of 6- 8- cm from the point of symmetry of the antenna loop. Figure 7 shows the bonding.


Antenna Антенна UA6AGW V.20.00


The antenna was designed and made by Igor Kulikov, UA3GDX (QTH: Gryazi, Lipetsk Region). Figure 8 shows the design of the antenna. Loop of the antenna made from a water tube in diameter of 2/3 inch. It was a tube with outer aluminum cover and inside plastic form. Aluminum cover was used like the braid in the loop in the design of the Antenna UA6AGW. A coaxial cable was inserted into the tube. Braid of the coaxial cable was the inner conductor of loop in the design of the Antenna UA6AGW. Central conductor of the coaxial cable did not use to. Capacity of the capacitors C1 and C2 are shown approximately and depend on the antenna installation. However, it looks like that capacity of the C1 should be close to 8- 15- pF and capacity of C2 should be close to 24- 30- pF.




Figure 6 Coupling Loop on the Antenna Loop



Figure 7 Bonding of the Coupling Loop to the Antenna Loop



Horizontal wires in the antenna design made of a copper wire in diameter of 3- mm. The wires are going along plastic fishing poles. The poles hold the form of the antenna. Such rigid design allows rotate the antenna on to needed direction. Figure 9 shows the view of the antenna on a roof. Figure 10 shows the close-up view of the antenna.





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