By the way, I was (and may be am) not an experienced
VHF- man before I decided to do my VHF YAGI. I had serous doubt
that I spoiled lots stuff while I made my YAGI. So I found for
solution how to do the antenna without turning in garbage my antenna's
material. When I went around a house-ware store I have seen polystyrene
water pipe T-joint. Picture 1
shows the T- joint.
Picture 1
N. Filenko,
UA9XBI ua9xbi@online.ru
Credit Line: www.cqham.ru
Radio club "Arktika"
Championship 2004
Photo Credit Line:
I have bought some these ones. While making the VHF
antenna several of T-joints spoiled were spoiled but other ones
worked well in my design. Picture 2 shows T- joint installed at
my antenna.
The design has some benefits:
1. Antenna elements are isolated from traverse with
gap in 6-10 mm
2. It is possible to move the antenna elements along
the traverse.
3. It is possible
to play with antenna design- change length between antennas elements
and easy to change the elements
Picture 2