L. B. Cebik, W4RNL
1434 High Mesa Drive
Knoxville, TN 37938-4443

Ham Links

With some half-million licensed operators in the United States, the interests of individuals in the overall opportunities offered by amateur radio vary widely. As a result, there are numerous organizations dedicated to fostering interests and skills in various aspects of the service. Below are links to a few of the ones in which I am a life or long-term member.


The American Radio Relay League is the largest membership organization of amateur radio operators in the United States and is viewed informally as the U.S. national amateur organization. It conducts an extensive program of services for members and for the amateur community as a whole, including a wide range of educational activities. The ARRL WWW site contains a wealth of amateur radio and membership information.


The Radio Society of Great Britain is the UK national amateur radio organization, with information and links to information that are useful world-wide.



QRP ARCI is the oldest U.S.-based organization devoted exclusively to encouraging the use of low power (5 watts CW, 10 watts P.E.P SSB or lower) on the amateur bands. Its programs include educational and operating activities for all interested amateurs, from the very new to the oldest old timer. QRP operators do perhaps more home brewing (building) of station equipment than almost any other segment of the amateur radio population.


FISTS is an international organization of radio amateurs dedicated to preserving and encouraging radio communications via CW (Morse Code).

Other Amateur Radio Sites with Many Links

The eHam Net

A very large site with search facilities for almost everything an amateur radio operator might be interest in. The site has over 2500 links to related sites, as well as equipment review, opinions, and a store of useful information.

Amateur Radio Trader

Besides classifieds of used equipment, the Amateur Radio Trader site contains links to a large number of useful ham radio sites.

Books and Periodicals

As an educational service to amateurs--especially those interested in QRP--I maintain lists of periodicals and books ranging from beginner volumes to engineering texts. The lists are updated as new materials become available.


Books on Electronics Projects and Operating

Books on Antennas




Updated 11-12-99

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