In this short article I
want to tell about my observations of the anomalous propagation
on MW Band. These observations were done during 2019-2021 in Niagara
Falls, Ontario and Buffalo, NY.
It is because I live in
Niagara Falls, Ontario and I work in Buffalo, NY.
As it is known, the frequency
for a MW radio station is allocated so that the radio station
does not interfere with other broadcasting radio in the nearby
area. But my observation a little bit disproves this statement.
So, every morning (beside
weekend and holidays), at 6.0 am, in the kitchen, in breakfast
time, I turn on my old AM radio. This is an old analog CANDLE
AM radio made in 1981, so it is 40 years old in 2021. But this
radio still works well and has great sound on the AM band.
The answer, why do I turn
on the radio in the morning, is simple. I listen to the NIAGARA
news. At 610 kHz, CKTB Radio (Radio Niagara) gives me a lot of
useful information. This is information about the weather, the
current traffic on the highway on which I drive to work, local
and international news. When I drive to work in Buffalo, I also
listen to this radio in my car. My commute to work is 50 km and
near 40- minutes and all the way I listen to CKTB Radio.
When I drive back to home
from my work, after 4 pm, I again turn on the CKTB Radio. So I
am an operator who twice a day observes the propagation of radio
waves at a frequency of 610 kHz on the path of 50 km, for 40-60
minutes, depending on traffic.
It seems to me that nothing
can interfere with the local radio station, because in my area
at the 610 kHz I should receive only the CKTB Radio. Picture 2 shows a screen shot from - what is heard in Buffalo and of course in Niagara
Falls at 610-680 kHz. It should be received only three radio stations
Picture 1 CANDLE AM Radio
