Every radio amateur wants fill up any free space
by an antenna. Not nearly enough antennas! So as I found
a free space where I can install an antenna. True, it was a small
place where I could install a small antenna. I choose a dipole
antenna for 6 meter Band. It was because the diagram of directivity
of the new antenna will be seen to line East- West. My old 6 meter
dipole antenna had the diagram of directivity that seen to line
South- North.
Of course, a simple dipole antenna is not a big
gun. However, as I noticed in practice, the direction of even
such simple antenna plays the role. The ham radio stations on
the 6 meter Band, which were heard by me enough loud, all of them
lay on the line South- North.
Another reason was the coming ARRL September VHF
Contest. At the last ARRL Spring VHF Contest almost all stations
in my log were from the line South- North. I hope add the line
East- West at the coming contest. In general, the design of a
dipole antenna is very simple. Figure 1 shows a dipole antenna for 6 meter Band.
But the simplicity is only
on the picture. In practice, it is necessary to make a central
insulator, it is necessary to take into account the length of
the wire in the center and ends insulators, it is necessary to
take into account the shortening factor of the wire in the plastic
insulation that was used for the antenna.
For the central insulator I decided to use a nylon
dog bone insulator. Figure 2 shows the insulator and SO- 239 connector.
In the middle of the insulator I cut a square place for installation
of the SO- 239 connector. In the center of the insulator it was
made hole for wire going to the center wire of the SO- 239 connector.
The connector was fixed to the insulator with help of two screws.
Holes for the screw were drilled in the insulator. Figure 3 shows the SO- 239 connector mounted on
the insulator and the antenna wire connected to the SO- 239 connector.
The holes and places where the connector mounted on the insulator
were protected with weather proof automotive epoxy (I have bought
the epoxy several years ago in Canadian Tire store). I used Egg
insulators for ends of the antenna. Figure 4
shows these isolators at the end of the antenna.