Indoor antenna at apartment building is all time it
is not an easy task to do. However the Simple Dipole Antenna that
may be installed at the wall of the building is covered bands
from the 80- m up to 10- meter band. Figure 1
shows the design of the Simple Dipole Antenna.
2 shows the Simple Dipole Antenna at the wall of the
building. As you can see, the antenna is installed on the usual
fishing pole. Active radiator in length of 7.3- meter takes most
length of the fishing pole. The counterpoise of the antenna going
to the balcony, when it was twisted to a roll and then connected
to the transformer 1/9.
You may found lots of design of the transformer 1/9
in the Internet or at Antentop site.
Figure 3
shows the Simple Dipole Antenna that is going inside of the balcony.
White one is the transformer 1/9. At left side of the transformer
you may see the roll of the coaxial cable that is made an RF Choke.
White wire still formed a counterpoise. Figure
4 shows parameters of the Antenna at the 80-
meter Band. Figure 5 shows parameters of the Antenna at the 40- meter Band. Figure 6
shows parameters of the Antenna at the
30- meter Band.
Figure 7 shows parameters of the Antenna
at the 20- meter Band. Figure 8 shows parameters of the Antenna at the 17- meter Band. Figure 9
shows parameters of the Antenna at the
15- meter Band. Figure
10 shows parameters of the Antenna
at the 12- meter Band. Figure 11 shows parameters of the Antenna at the 10- meter Band.