Compact Dipole Antenna for the 40- and 20- meter Band
takes a little room and cover broad range at the bands..
Figure 1
shows design of the antenna. It is a dipole antenna that turn
on to a delta shape. It allows significantly decreased the sizes
of the antenna. Antenna is placed vertically to the ground. Antenna
may be made from a wire in diameter of 2- 3- mm. MMANA model of
the antenna was simulated with high point of the antenna at 18
meter above the ground.
File MMANA allows play with the antenna according to
the height above the ground.
Figure 2 shows Z of the Compact
Dipole Antenna for the 40- and 20- meter Band at 40- meter Band. Figure 3
shows SWR of the Compact Dipole Antenna for the 40- and
20- meter Band at 40- meter Band. Figure 4 shows DD of the Compact
Dipole Antenna for the 40- and 20- meter Band at 40- meter Band.
Figure 5 shows Z of the Compact
Dipole Antenna for the 40- and 20- meter Band at 20- meter Band. Figure 6
shows SWR of the Compact Dipole Antenna for the 40- and
20- meter Band at 20- meter Band. Figure 7 shows DD of the Compact
Dipole Antenna for the 40- and 20- meter Band at 20- meter Band.
73! de RW4HFN