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HF Helical Antennas: Theory and Practice

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ANTENTOP- 01- 2020, # 024

HF Helical Antennas: Theory and Practice



For the resonance frequency of the fourth harmonic of the shortened helical antenna I cannot find clear rule for the resonance. I only found roughly rule:


The fourth resonance harmonic frequency may be either slightly lower or significantly higher than the frequency of the first resonance multiplied by four.


For example, if the shortened helical antenna has the main resonance at a frequency of 7.00 MHz, then the fourth harmonic resonance may be at frequency of 27 MHz, that is, slightly lower than the frequency of 28 MHz, or at frequencies above 32 MHz.


Some types of helical shortened antennas may not show the third and fourth resonances:


Helical shortened antennas with shortened factor more the 10.


Helical shortened antennas with small pitch in the helix.


Helical shortened antennas wound by thin wire with diameter less the 0.3- mm.


Helical shortened antennas wound on the form with high dielectric permeability.


Shortened helical antennas wound on the form with small diameter- less the 16- mm.


The input impedance at the frequencies of the second and third harmonic of the shortened helical antenna is usually slightly higher than the input impedance at the fundamental resonance frequency of the antenna. The input impedance at the fourth harmonic frequency may differ in any direction from the input impedance at the main resonance frequency of the antenna.


For example, if the shortened helical antenna has input impedance of 40 Ohms at the frequency of the main resonance of 7.00 MHz, then it is possible assume that at the frequency of the second (14.500 MHz) and third (23 MHz) the input impedance of this antenna will be approximately 50 ohms.


However, if this antenna has a fourth resonance, then we cannot say anything about the input impedance of the antenna. It may be either higher or lower than 40 ohms. Only a practical measurement of the input impedance of the antenna will help us know its true value at the frequency of the fourth resonance.



The Q factor of the shortened helical antenna at the frequencies of the second and third harmonics of the antenna, as a rule, is slightly higher than the Q factor at the fundamental resonance frequency of the antenna. The Q factor of the antenna at the fourth harmonic frequency, as a rule, does not exceed the quality factor at the fundamental resonance frequency of the antenna.


For example, if the shortened helical antenna has Q factor equal to 30 at the fundamental resonance frequency of 7.00 MHz, then we may suppose that at the second resonance harmonic frequency (14.500 MHz) and at the third resonance harmonic frequency (23 MHz) the Q factor of the antenna would be approximately 40.

If this antenna has the fourth resonance, then we may suppose that there Q factor of the antenna would not exceed 30.


Operation of the Helical Antennas to Receiving and Transmitting


To test the efficiency of the shortened helical antenna in reception mode I did A-B test of the antennas compare to 41- meter long wire. At the test the control receiver was tested with the long wire and then with the shortened helical antenna. Test was made on HF ranges.


Both antennas connected to the receiver without any matching devices. I used several different receivers: old military tube R311 receiver (USSR), old military tube US-9 receiver (USSR), old military tube transceiver R-105 (USSR), R-108 (USSR), R-109 (USSR), broadcast semiconductor receiver ISHIM- 003 (USSR), and semiconductor transceiver K- 116 (made in Ukraine).


It was found that the shortened helical antenna provides good reception at the first resonant frequency and at harmonic frequencies, if any are present. At these frequencies it was like bursts in reception of radio stations.


Top loading helical antennas worked very well at their fundamental resonant frequency, but provide weak reception at the harmonic frequencies. In the frequency range between the harmonics frequencies the shortened helical antenna provided weak reception compare to long wire antenna in 41 meter length.


It was found that the reception is going to bad with increasing frequency compare to the fundamental resonance frequency of the helical antenna.

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January 30, 2021 14:37


