antenna, working Version 20.23.63, has sizes 1 x 2 meters and
designed for installing at a limited space. The antenna made like
an experimental one and showed good result at the Air test. Figure 1 shows schematic of the antenna.
As it is shown from the Figure 1 the schematic of the antenna
is traditional as for all UA6AGW antennas and does not required
additional comments. Design of the antenna is shown on the Figure 2.
Design of the UA6AGW Balcony Antenna:
Main loop made of from a ½ inch coaxial cable
used at sites of the cell communication. Two horizontal vibrators
of the antenna made of aluminum Hula Hoop in diameter of 90- cm.
The Hula Hoop is cutting at the place of the jointing. Then the ends of the rings are separated on the distance 3- 4 cm with help of a plastic
insertion. The Hula Hoop is connected to the main loop with help
of a tinned copper wire in diameter of 3- mm. The wire is soldered
to the main loop and connected to the Hula Hoop with help of a
Tuning capacitor is placed inside a plastic electro-technical
box. The capacitor should stand the power going to the antenna
in common case (at 100- W transceiver) the capacitor should have
gap between plates in 2- mm.
Figure 2 Design of the UA6AGW Balcony Antenna