The I.V. Antenna contains three lengths
of wire on each side (the longest length a trap included) and
provides operation on seven ham bands- 80-, 40-, 30-, 20-, 15- and 10 meter. The antenna is installed and works
at three ham station- UR4LRG, UT5UY and Kharkov club station UR4LZZ.
Operation and Tuning
of the antenna:
80- meter: Longest wire with
a trap provides operation on the band. Trap almost do not influence
on the operation on the band.
40 meter: Middle wire has resonance
on the band. Antenna tuned with help of the wire to 7010- 7020-
kHz. In this case the antenna should have resonance on 21150-
30 meter: Longest
wire with a trap provides operation on the band. Reactance of
the trap provides electric length in ¾ lambda
at the band. When antenna is already tuned to 20- meter band the
antenna should tune to 30- meter band with help of the short length
in 3.85 meter placed after the trap.
20 meter: Wire before the trap provides operation on the band.
The wire has electrical length in
¾ lambda at the 20 meter band.
Antenna tuned to 14150- kHz with help of the wire.
15 meter: Middle wire has electrical length in
¾ lambda at the band. Antenna
should have resonance on the band when it is tuned at the 40-
meter band.
10 meter: The shortest wire
has resonance at the band. It has passband near 500- kHz so the
length as usual does not require any tuning.
Antenna may be installed
at mast in 10- 15 meter length. Antenna may be fed by 50 or 75-
Ohm coaxial cable. It would be useful to install an RF- Choke
at the feeding terminals of the antenna. It may be done from 5-
10 ferrite rings sitting on the cable near the feeding terminals.