The antenna is kind of Windom
Antenna for 50- and 70- MHz. Length
in 3.5 is a long part of the antenna counterpoise in 0.7- meter
is short part of the antenna. ATU match the antenna with coaxial
cable. I made ATU inside of aluminum box. Inductor was wound on
a form with OD- 25- mm and contained 5 turns. Inductor was coiled
by silver- plated wire in diameter 1.8- mm (13- AWG).Taps were
made from 1, 2, 3, and 4-th turn.
First tap of the inductor through
a short length connected to the "hot" lead of the RF
socket X1. Beginning of the inductor soldered to the ground of
the RF socket X1. Taps 2, 3, 4 connected by a short length to
the switch S1.
DJ7MN, JN58WH, 599/ 599: S57LM, JN76HD,
599/559; OK2BGW, JN89CH, 599/ 599; OZ3ZW,
JO54RS, 59/ 59; OK2BGW, JN89CH, 57/ 57; OK2BRD,
JN99ET, 59/ 59; PA0RDY,JO22KJ, 579/ 559; PA0RDY,
JO22KJ,579/ 559; OM5KM, JN98BG, 559/599; HA3GR,
JN86VK,579/ 599; PA2IP, JO23VF, 599/599; SP3RNZ,
JO92DF, 559/ 559; LZ1AG,KN22ID, 559/ 559; OK1KT, JO80CH,
599/599; HA3GR, N86VK, 599/ 599; SP6GWB,
JO80JG, 599/ 599; YO7BSN, KN15OA, 599/ 599; 9A2SB,
JN95GM, 559/559; CT1HZE, IM57NH,55/55; PG5V, JO21, 559/ 549 ;
PA0O, JO33HG, 599/599; PA2M, JO21IP,59/59; ON4PS,
JO20KQ, 599/599; ON4PS, JO20KQ,599/ 599; DK2PH, JO41GV,
599/559; OZ1BNN, JO55PM, 55/ 55; OZ2OE, JO45VV, 59/ 59;
OZ3ZW, JO54RS, 59/ 59; OZ8ZS, JO55RT,
57/59; OZ1JXY, JO46TX,57/ 55.