Figure 17 Transformer of Beverage Antenna in Closed Plastic Food Box
Test of the Beverage Antenna
At first I have measured SWR of the Beverage Antenna
with help of MFJ-259B and with internal SWR- meter at IC-718.
Table 5
shows SWR of the Beverage Antenna measured with help of MFJ-259B.
Table 5
shows SWR of the Beverage Antenna measured with help of internal
SWR- meter at IC-718. Data for MFJ- 259B a little differ from
data obtained with internal SWR- meter at IC-718. It happened
because at antenna wire there is some stray RF voltage receiving
from different radio stations. The RF voltage add some errors
to the reading SWR by MFJ-259B. In this case data obtained from
the internal SWR- meter of IC-718 are close to the truth.
My Beverage
Antenna has direction to Europe and East Cost of the USA. Antenna
works perfect. Low bands 160 and 80- meter come to live. It was very good reception at all HF bands from 160-
to 10 meter.
Figure 18 Plastic Insert on the Window
Figure 19 RF Choke near the Window
I could receive ham station from Europe and Asia from
160- to 10 meter. Of course, I cannot say that about transmitting
operation on 160- 40- meter bands. It is noticeable that some
power lost into the termination resistor. However, at good propagation
the Beverage Antenna works perfect on transmission at all HF bands
from 160- to 10 meter.