worked well at the 18 and 14- MHz Bands. SWR was 1.2: 1.0 at the
Bands. Pass Band was (at SWR 2.0: 1.0) 150- kHz at both bands.
I made several CW and PSK- 31 QSOs with EU, Russia and Ukraine.
As usual reports were 599 at the both ends.
Then I installed the
antenna at my attic. The antenna was intended for 14 and 10-MHz.
Horizontal wires were 3.5- meters in length in this case. Pass
Band at 14- MHz Band was 230- kHz at SWR 2.0:1.0. Picture 2 shows the antenna in my attic. Coupling
loop for the antenna was made from copper wire in diameter 4-
mm. Length of the wire was equal to the diameter of the antenna
UA6AGW (80- cm in my case). Coaxial cable RG- 58 (length 18- meter)
was going from the antenna to my radio. Antenna was tuned to needed
band manually by C2.
Picture 2 Antenna UA6AGW in
the Attic
Antenna in attic had height near 8- 9- meter above
the ground. Antenna worked well at all- seasons- at dry summer,
at wet autumn and in the winter when snow blanket in 30- 50- cm
thick was placed on the roof above the antenna.
Later a LW-Antenna
in 41- meter length and at 7- meter height above the ground was
installed at my location. The antenna was fed from the end by
Fuchs method (see Reference 1).
The LW was compared with Antenna UA6AGW. Program WSPR (that showed
levels of the receiving stations on the computer screen) objectively
proved the antenna UA6AGW advantage with the 41- meter length
of wire antenna.
Josef Fuchs (OE1JF)
Antenna: Patent Description
Ex- Soviet
Military Radio R-143