Dobrynin I., Moscow
Radio 1960,
# 1, p.22
Magnetic Antenna has some advantage compare to a usual magnetic
advantages are that the twin magnetic antenna, compare to usual
magnetic antenna, has higher Selectivity and higher Effective
Height. Twin Magnetic Antenna was tested in a pocket transistor
radio. The antenna was able to receive radio stations from the
distance up to 800- km. Figure 1 shows the antenna.

Figure 1 Twin Magnetic Antenna
Magnetic Antenna consists of from two usual magnetic antennas
switched into bridge.
height of the antenna would be higher in
to with a single magnetic antenna.
the L1 and L2 are connected to a bridge the inductance of the
each inductor should be higher (for the same working band) compare
to inductor for a single magnetic antenna.
Tyurin, UA3AJO
CQ-QRP # 42
(RU-QRP-C Publication)
Receiver DEGEN- 1103 (in the USA/Canada it is sold as Kaito
1103) has sensitivity at MW near 100-micro-volt/m and at LW
near 1- milli- volt/m. The sensitivity
may be increased at least in 20- times if the receiver would be
placed inside a loop shown on Figure 2. Sensitivity of the receiver
depends on distance between axis of the loop and wires of the
Loop with sizes 300x400- mm made of from wooden
stick with sizes 50 x 10- mm. Loop contains 10- turns of the copper
wire in 0.8- mm diameter (20- AWG). At the MW range the Loop is
tuned by a variable capacitor 3x (12-
500- pF). At the LW range an additional capacitor is switched
to bridge to the variable capacitor. The additional capacitor
may have capacity 1500- 2000- pF.
Figure 2 Loop for DEGEN 1103