It is
used pluggable inductors at the receiver. The inductors are mounted
on the lamp base from the old octal tubes. On the receivers plate
is mounted a socket. The needed inductor is inserted to the socket.
1 shows data for the inductors.
To feed
the receiver it possible to use any power supply that can provide
250-V DC (with current more the 15- mA) for plate and 6.3-V AC
(with current near the 2.0- A) for the heater.
supply could be made according to schematic from the Figure 4.
has cross-section 16x 20. Winding I has 1390 (for 127- V, main)
+1000 (overall for 220- V, main) turns of the wire in 0.3- mm
diameter (29- AWG).
II has 3400 turns (250- V, plate) of the wire in 0.1- mm diameter
(38- AWG). Winding III has 74 turns (6.3- V, heater) of the wire
in 0.8- mm diameter (20- AWG).
receiver works straight away when it mounted in the right way
and the good part are used. It needs only to tune the inductors
to the amateurs' bands. If inductor (L1) is not provide the right bands
add turns to part 1-2 (if the receiving frequencies are higher)
or remove turns (if the receiving frequencies are lower) from
part 1-2. Then it needs to get soft turning on the regeneration.
It provides the right numbers of the turns in part 2- 3 of the