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Antentop is FREE e-magazine devoted to Antennas and Amateur Radio an

Special page devoted to

Antennas by Nikolay Kudryavchenko, UR0GT

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ANTENTOP- 01- 2009, # 011

Antennas by Nikolay Kudryavchenko, UR0GT



The publications devoted to the memory of UR0GT.



Antentop (from the issue) begin to publish antennas designed by Nick Kudryavchenko, UR0GT.

No changes (compare to previous their publishing in the Internet) are added to the description and MMANA files of the antennas.


Some words about the history of the publication.


One year ago, in May 2008, I contacted with UR0GT by e- mail and asked him about permission for publishing his antennas design (translated in English in e-magazine AntenTop) that were already posted by him in some forums in Russian. Nick answered to me, since the stuff was already published in Russian and the stuff were accessible to public in the internet, he did not mention about my publishing the stuff in English. Nick conditions for publishing were simple: must be indicated his authorship and antennas MMANA files must be unchangeable.


However lots of antennas design of UR0GT (that were published in the Internet forums) had very brief commentary. Sometimes Nick posted in a forum just an antenna file (without any commentary). Therefore I dared ask Nick to write some commentary to those files and rework some antennas MMANA files. Nick answered to me that he had no time at this summer and ever this autumn to do such work but probably next winter (winter- 2009) he would try to do this. So, we agreed to get in touch in the winter 2009.


To regret of all radio- amateurs Nick died at June 2008. Half of year left to his pension, where he planned to work on his antennas and may be on his Antenna Book... Radio- amateurs lost very talented antennas designer...


So, I decided to publish his antenna design like we agreed with him before at his life, i.e. no changes added to his antenna files and his commentaries.




DEWD- Famous invention of UR0GT


Credit Line:





All antennas design from UR0GT may be pasted to websites/media at above mention conditions.

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February 2, 2020 21:53

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