01- 2008, # 010
Key That Never Have Been Smallest
Igor Lavroushov,
25 November, 2006, Kislovodsk,
This micro key newer will be heavy for any mountain
radio-expedition. It is possible to use the key as back-up or
ever as main key of the amateur radio. This key may be used at
tuning antennas with hand- control tuner (for example like MFJ-
902). For example the key may be used for tuning ATAS- 25 with
YAESU FT8x7 (FT817, FT 857, FT897). Okey, go ahead to make it!
Step 1
Wee need only three parts for the key- it is a stereo connector (this one is used for connecting CW-
Key at YAESU), little knob and small piece of a tube shrink. If
you have not these items in your junk- box run to local electronic
store, it can provide these parts for sure. Now, tin the leads
of the knob and connector, knob must sit hard on the connector,
cut off unnecessary leads.

Step 2
Heat up Soldering Iron and solder one pin of the knob
to the ground of the connector, another pin of the knob to the
center pin. Lead for the middle part of the connector cut off
(At the picture the lead is bended before cut off.)

Step 3
Careful insert this design to the transceiver and make
sure that our key is workable. Then insert shrink tube to the
key, heat up the shrink... That is all! CW Key that newer have
been smallest lay in your hands.


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