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Time Warp

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ANTENTOP- 01- 2007, # 009

Time Warp


September 29, 2006 at 21:48 Aleksey UA9W **


When I have got my callsign I sometimes spent in the Air 8 hours per day. I have used only CW. I look for interesting stations so I mostly heard the Air. Several times I heard how a station with the same callsign like mine worked in the Air with another stations. Copy cat, I thought, but very talent copy cat because he sent CW practically like me... When I have read the article I recognize that may be I have heard me from others times.


October 10, 2006 at 02:43 V.V.


"There are things, which we can not know, but it is impossible have known, what is these things".


In 1973 I was a schoolboy who is a radio fan. I made a wireless adapter (schematic was published in soviet magazine Radio). I t was one- transistor VHF transmitter that can be received in distance of 10 meters. I connected the adapter to my tape recorder Nota and enjoyed hearing of the record of music of a local jazz- band from my home receiver that was switch on to VHF band. The receiver was placed in the distance of 5 meters from the tape recorder. When the tape was finished and tape recorder was stopped I turn the receiver to HF- band. Suddenly, when I look for HF stations (as usual I look for Voice of America), I heard the music that I transmitted 15 times ago. Like a stupid I stared to my stopped tape recorder with standing tape and heard the music with all defects that was on my tape. Unknown station had transmitted all the music and stopped at the same place like at my tape. After that only the silence was at the frequency... I was astonished I could not understand nothing... I was heard my broadcasting after near 15 minutes when I had stopped the tape. More, I had heard the broadcasting on another frequency (in another band!). Until today I can explain the situation only like devil's joke...


I. G.: Also I have received on my email some very interesting feedbacks to the article Time Warp. One feedback I paste below. The ham, who sent me that feedback, has agreed to publish it only under condition of complete anonymity.

== I want to describe a strange case which has taken place with me.


I had obtained my ham license in 1977. Then I was active mostly CW on 40, 20 and 15 meters. But in summer of 1992 I have decided to try a 160 meters. I installed a sloper in 42 meters long. One end of the sloper was tied to my balcony (9 floor) another end was tied (through a gay) to a light pole.

For the 160 meters I have used a home made one band transceiver (design of UA1FA, Radio #4, 1980) with PA made on 3x GU50 (GU50- a Russian tube, can give near 100 watts at 160 meters). In that summer I have done lots interesting QSO's. From these QSOs I have remembered a QSO with 4X4xxx, Israel. It was my first 4X4 on 160. It was 599 in both ends. Near half of hour we chatted about our equipment and life. It turned out, that my correspondent was immigrated to Israel from the USSR in 1981 year. I have sent my QSL to him but never have got his QSL.


In the winter of 1993 the sloper was broken by a storm wind as well as the storm broken my antennas for HF- an I.V. for the 40 meters and an UW4HW (broadband vertical) that I have used for the 20 and 15 meters. I could not fix the antennas straight away after storm. Then, in the 1993, my company did global cutting and I was dismissed. My live turned down I looked for any job and I had no time to fix my antennas and to work in the Air. In 1996 I was emigrated to Israel.


Through several years of my life in Israel I found a job at a very good company according to my qualification of Electronics Engineer. It was amused but in one of the departments of the company it was worked a ham with whom I had QSO in 1992. I talked with him about the QSO, it is occurred that he also had remembered the QSO, he sent me a QSL and did not get nothing... I told him that I also had not received his QSL. Through several days he met me and gave me a QSL for the contact. On the QSL the date was 1993, when I did not work in the Air. I told him about the mistake. On the other day he brought his log for 1993 where the QSO was written. I did not want looks like an idiot (only got good job), so, I told him, well, it is my mistake, of course, the QSO was in 1993... But I know that I did not work in the Air in 1993! ==

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