The receiver
is minimal. By keeping the number of active devices low (3 devices
between the antenna and the audio amplifier), very good fidelity
is achieved. The circuit is kept at a low impedance and broadband
everywhere except the front-end. This helps in stability.
The front-end uses
a low-noise FET. We have used a BFW11 (because the local component
shop ran out of BFW10). They have slightly different characteristics.
Almost any FET can be used if it is biased properly. The FET should
be biased for exactly half the pinch-off voltage. Wes Hayward
(W7ZOI) has described the proper way to bias a FET Mixer for proper
►Short gate and source
and measure the current that flows through a 560 ohms resister
connected to +12V through the drain. This gives the exact Idss.
►Place a 10K resistor
between the source and the ground. Keeping the gate grounded and
the drain still connected through the 560 ohms resister, measure
the voltage between the source and the ground. This gives you
the pinch-off voltage.
►The FET has to
be biased such that the voltage on the source is exactly half
the pinch-off voltage and there is half of Idss current flowing
through the FET. Such a scheme assures you that the FET is driven
between pinch-off and maximum drain by the VFO injected at the
source. This gives the proper switching action for the mixer to
operate as well as maximum gain. We measured the pinch-off voltage
for BFW11s as 2.1 volts and Idss as 5mA. A standard 1K resistor
at the source gives the proper bias.
It should be noted
here that we first tried a double balanced diode ring mixer at
the front-end. It has a number of spurious responses that literally
made it impossible to use the receiver. We tried to properly terminate
the diode ring mixer by inserting attenuators between the mixer
and the Ladder filter's pre-amp. It didn't cure the problem. When
we changed to the FET mixer, the noise figure improved, the receiver's
dynamic range, while unmeasured, was never found lacking in the
last one month of extensive usage at VU2PEP.
The output of the IF amplifier is detected in a balanced
detector using just two diodes. Here gain, we break a common myth.
You will see most of the HF receivers employing a two diode balanced
detector with the BFO fed to the center tap and the incoming signal
applied through the primary winding of the detector transformer.
This is wrong. The signal applied through the primary winding
should strong enough to switch the diodes on and off
(requiring about 0.6 across
each diode, that is, 1.2 volts across the winding). This roughly
translates to about 5 mW power. The diodes switch the low level
signal coupled at the center-tap of the coil to the detector output.
Therefore, in our design we have applied the local oscillator
through the primary of the transformer and the incoming signal
from the IF stage to the center tap.
There is a
100 ohms preset used to null the local oscillator from
appearing at the output. This is of importance during transmit
where the balanced detector also doubles up as the transmitting
An audio pre-amplifier
follows the detector. The capacitor of 220 pf between the base
and the collector ensures that the 'hiss' is kept down. The audio
amplifier used is an LM380. Almost any audio amplifier can be
used. We have tried everything from the PC's ampli-speakers to
a Sony amplifier to a TBA810 amplifier. We would recommend using
a high fidelity, low cost amplifier like the TBA810 if you plan
using a speaker. If most of your work is with headphones (to save
your companion from the late night QRM), we recommend the LM386.
The transmitter
starts with the modulator using a 741. There is a three resistor
network that biases the electret microphones. We use a Phillips
'walkman' style headphone with built-in microphone for our work.
The electret microphone requires a bias that provides 5V as given
by the circuit.
The balanced modulator
also had two 22pf trimming capacitors for nulling the carrier.
They were later found unnecessary (as long as both the diodes
are purchased from the same roll) and removed. If you do find
balance a bother, feel free to add a 22 pf trimmer to one side
and a 10 pf fixed to the other side as indicated in the schematic.
output of the balanced modulator is routed to the common IF amplifier
through a buffer amplifier using a BF195. This serves to keep
the carrier leak from the modulator out of the IF string during
the reception mode.
The balanced detector
of the receiver also doubles up as a mixer during transmit. It
is important to balance out the VFO energy at the output by setting
the 100 ohms trimmer properly. We noticed a 50mW residual out-of-band
output from the transmitter when the VFO is unbalanced. The power
chain is an interesting broad-band amplifier. You can use this
in virtually any transmitter of up to 7 watts (and higher with
more than 12 volts supply to the final stage). Three stages of
broadband amplifiers feed an IRF510 PA. It is an interesting twist
that the driver 2N3866 transistors cost more than the IRF510!
The IRF510 should be biased for 80mA of standing current during
transmit with the microphone disconnected (no modulation) and
carrier nulled by the trimpot of the balanced modulator.