In the far eightieth years of 20 century, on to one of Russian radio
transmitting radio center I saw a self-made opened transmission
line that fed a transmitting antenna. Struts of the line were
made of oak tree. What is wonder at that? These struts were about
some tens years old. They were made
at the end of 40 years, during restoring of the USSR after World
War-II. The struts had been thoroughly boiled in paraffin before
installation. Till now these wooden struts,
made in great quantity, lie in a tub filled with paraffin. At
repair of transmission lines the paraffin is kindled, the insulators
are got and used. The wooden struts, despite of their "antiquity",
looked rather 'fresh' and had sufficient mechanical and electric

Figure 1 Wooden compression strut
Made in the


Figure 2 Two -wire line with usage of wooden compression struts
The struts had length 12-15 centimeters, and width about 2 centimeters.
Kerfs were made at a small distance from ends of the struts. Figure 1
shows the wooden strut. Wires of the ladder line were wound around
of struts and kept on kerfs. Figure 2 shows the two-wire line with usage of
wooden struts.