A 50-Ohms coaxial cable is used with the antenna without any symmetrical
devices. The cable goes along the boom and get out from the tail.
For antenna folding you can loose screws, turn antenna vibrator
along the boom, and again strength the screws. Antenna director
and reflector is removed from the boom
and hide inside the boom.
Coaxial cable has the length of 1100-mm. The cable is laid inside the
boom and get out from the tail. It is need to protect from weather
the place where the coaxial cable is soldered to the vibrator.
RF socket also must be protected from weather and dirty at transportation
of the antenna. Antenna has weight of 0.4-KG. Practical measured
(by device SWR-121) SWR is: at 144.7=1.3:1, 145.2=1:1, 145.7=1.6:1.
has gain compare to half-wave dipole 6-7 dB. In general to measure
the real gain of an antenna in the amateur conditions is practically
not easy matter. I use a comparative method that shows
one antenna above other one. The essence of this method is simple.
You take a dipole as the exemplary antenna and do compare the
dipole with the experimental antenna.
Being on the southern
slope of Elbrus- mountain at height of 4000 meters I use the method
with help of Turkish ham station TA7T. The distance between me
and TA7T was approximately 500-kms. I hardly heard TA7T by my
exemplary dipole but I had 59 with the YAGI. It is near 10 dB
in real gain!
